Add customer

When you add a new customer, you enter such things as the details that are needed to be able to create an invoice for the customer. If you click on the button Find address, you call up the customer's basic information and transfer it to the program. You can search for such things as personal identity numbers, corporate identity numbers or names.In addition to customer details, you can also add notes for your customers.

  1. Select Sales - Customers.
  2. Select New customer.
  3. Enter the customer's name in the Customer name field.
  4. Choose whether the customer is a company or a private individual at the Customer type field.

The customer type you choose determines if the amount on the invoice is shown with or without VAT.

  1. Select Find address.

The Find address window opens and a list is shown. You can better target your search results by entering the corporate identity number or personal identity number.

  1. Click on the relevant customer in the hit list.
  1. Fill in the customer's other information.
  2. Choose Save and the customer will be shown in the Customer list.

Related topics

Create sales invoice
Importing or exporting customer records
Article labels
Customer labels