Create multiple invoices

If you sell the same kind of goods or services to several customers you can create an invoice that you send to multiple customers.

Please note that you cannot use the feature for multiple invoices when creating credit notes.

Individual settings for the customer, such as discount and which bank account to pay to, will also be overruled by general settings for all customers included on the invoice.

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.
  2. Select New sales invoice.
  3. Click the list icon in the Customer field and check the box Select multiple customers.
  4. Select the customers that you want to invoice.

When clicking a customer the list will be filtered to only include customers with the same currency as the one you selected first.

If you use customer labels to group your customers the labels will also show in the list and you can select a labelled group as a whole.

  1. Enter the invoice date, the articles you want to invoice and other invoice details. Note! The due date you choose on the invoice will be the same for all customer invoices, regardless of the payment terms you've set for the customers.
  2. Select Create multiple invoices.
  3. Select Action for the invoice for each customer.
  1. Select Send and post to ledger.

Please note that it is not possible to save invoices as drafts when creating multiple invoices.

Related topics

Create sales invoice
Process multiple reminders and drafts
Article labels
Customer labels