Create recurring invoices

If you invoice the same kind of goods or services to a customer on a regular basis you can make a recurring invoice template. This is especially useful for example when invoicing rent and cleaning services.

The recurring invoice template can be set to send automatically or manually. Automatic invoices are sent at the selected intervals without your intervention, while manual invoices are sent by clicking a button on the day you want to send it. When the current period's invoice has been sent, the invoice date and period will automatically be moved forward to the next planned invoice date.

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.
  2. Select New sales invoice.
  3. Check the Recurring invoice box.
  4. Choose your settings for the recurring invoice. For details about the settings, see the list with field explanations below.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select the customer that you want to invoice.

Please note that you must make a template for each customer that you want to invoice. You cannot select multiple customers when creating a recurring invoice.

  1. Enter the articles you want to invoice and other invoice details.
  2. Select Save template as...

When it is time to send the invoice you will find the template in the invoice list at the Recurring invoices tab, where you select Send and post to ledger.

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Create sales invoice
Edit recurring invoices
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