Create purchase order

When you create a purchase order you can not only add stock articles, but also non-stock articles and services if you want.

  1. Go to Purchasing - Purchase orders.
  2. Select New purchase order.
  3. Choose the supplier you want to create a purchase order for.
    If you have articles with low stock balance associated with the supplier, a yellow box will appear and show you the related articles. You then have the option to add them to the purchase order with just a click.
  4. Fill in the order information.
  5. Add the articles to be included on the purchase order.
    Select the checkbox Show services and non-stock articles if you want to add non-stock articles and services.
  6. Do one of the following when you are finished with the purchase order:
Send purchase order by email The purchase order is automatically sent to the email address specified for the supplier in the supplier register. The purchase order is saved under Purchase orders in progress and is given the status Ordered.
Create purchase order PDF The purchase order is saved as a PDF and you are notified that it is ready for printing. The purchase order is saved under Purchase orders in progress and is given the status Ordered.
Save as draft The purchase order is not sent to the supplier, but instead saved under Drafts.

You can also choose to create a new purchase order by selecting Purchasing - Suppliers or Stock and articles - Articles. If you choose one of these alternatives, you get more information about the latest activities connected to the suppliers and the articles.

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Purchase orders
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