Article labels

Labels are used to manually tag articles in order to group them. This means that you can choose an entire group of articles instead of selecting them one by one.

Using labels for articles allows you to filter the Sales statistics printout and make a selection of which labels to include when exporting article records. You can add several labels to the article and that way analyse your sales in different ways. You can also filter the Articles lists showing only items tagged with the labels you are interested in.

  1. Select Settings to open the menu.
  2. Select Article labels.
  3. Select New.
  4. Add Name and Description.
  5. Find the articles that you want to tag with the label by searching for or selecting the articles one by one.
  6. Select Add.

You can also tag articles when adding new or editing existing ones in under Sales - Articles. However, the fastest way to add several articles to an existing label is to edit the label and add the articles according to step 5.

  1. Select Save.