Print reports

The reports found under Accounting - Reports can be opened, saved and printed as a PDF file or in CSV format (Excel or Google Sheets).

  1. Select a report of your choice in the overview.
  2. Select Generate report and fill in your selection criteria. Depending on the selections you've made, the report is displayed either in portrait or landscape format.
  3. Click on the arrow next to View.

A drop-down menu opens where you can choose View to get a preview of the report, Create PDF to download and save a PDF file or Save as CSV file to download and save the file in a CSV format. If you choose to create a PDF or CSV file, the report will be downloaded and saved locally on your computer.

  1. Locate the report in your downloaded files folder and open or print it from there.

Please note that even if you switch language to English when working in the program, the reports will still be in Norwegian.

To print a list of for example customers, suppliers, cost centres or articles you have to go to Settings - Import and export and export the information from the program. Read more in Import or export records (CSV file).

If you want to print your VAT report, go to Accounting - VAT report and select the VAT report. Click on Create PDF to download and save the report locally on your computer. To print it, you just locate it in your downloaded files folder and open and print it from there.

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