Create quote

Quotes & Orders is an additional service that gives you full control of the whole sales process, not only invoicing. If you want to create and send quotes and order confirmations to your customers you activate the functionality under the menu Apps and extensions found in the menu on the left in Visma eAccounting Smart.

  1. Select Sales - Quotes.
  2. Select New quote.
  3. Choose the customer you want to send a quote to.
  4. Fill in the quote date. The date in the Valid through field is filled in automatically.
  5. Add the articles you want to quote.
  6. If you want to use negative rows you can do that. Just add a minus sign to the quantity, for example -1,00. The sum will then be negative for that row. See also Discount under More useful tips for more information.

  7. Do one of the following when you are finished with the quote:
Send quote by email The quote is automatically sent to the email address specified for the customer in the customer register. The subject field is pre-filled with the quote number. The quote is saved under Quotes in progress and is given the status Awaiting.
Create PDF The quote is saved as a PDF and you are notified that it is ready for printing. The quote is saved under Quotes in progress and is given the status Awaiting.
Save draft The quote is not sent to the customer, but instead saved under Drafts.

You can also register a quote by clicking on the customer under Sales - Customers. There, you can also see information on the customer's purchases and payments.

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