Validate account balances (CA503000)

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

By using this window, you can validate the balances of cash accounts.
The system performs validation by recalculating the balances, based on the history records, and matching them to the account balances stored in the database.

We recommend that you validate the balances of cash accounts in any of the following cases:

  1. After you have modified the options in the Cash management preferences (CA101000) window that control how the available balances of cash accounts are calculated.
  2. After you have converted an asset account used for other purposes to a cash account.
    In this case, the system will replace the General ledger transactions on the account with appropriate cash transactions and rebuild the account history.
  3. If you have detected a discrepancy between the balance of a particular account and its total credits and debits by using the Cash account details (CA303000) window.

To validate the balances of all cash accounts, click Validate all on the window toolbar.

To validate the balances of only particular cash accounts, select the check boxes next to the accounts in the table and click Validate on the window toolbar.