Visma Net
About account groups
An account group is an entity in Visma Net that you can define by using the Account groups (PM201000) window and map to a subset of General ledger accounts.
Account groups are used to track the project budget and balances. Because they are mapped to general ledger accounts, account groups allow for the transfer of project-related financial information between the General ledger and Project accounting workspaces.
For information about how to create an account group, see Create an account group.

To configure the IDs of account groups in Visma Net, you use the ACCGROUP segmented key in the Segment keys (CS202000) window.
By default, this segmented key specifies that the account group ID is an alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters.
You can divide account group IDs into segments with specific values.
In most cases, you do not need to change the default configuration of the ACCGROUP key.

An account group can be one of the following types: Asset, Liability, Expense, or Income. It can be mapped to specific general ledger accounts of only certain types.
You can use account groups of the Off-balance type to collect and track project statistics and other information that is not finance-related. For example, you can create an account group of the Off-balance type to record all hours spent by employees on a given project. You may want to know the total number of hours worked, but you do not want to post those numbers to theGeneral ledger.

You can create account groups to be used in the Projects module by using the Account groups (PM201000) window. Before defining account groups, identify the accounts that will be used for project-related transactions.
Exclude customer ledger accounts and supplier ledger accounts.
Use the following rules to create account groups:
- Any single account group may include one or more general ledger accounts; however, you cannot map any general ledger account to more than one account group.
- An account group should include accounts of only certain types (for instance, an account group of the Income type can include only income and expense accounts).
- When you map the accounts to account groups, consider the invoicing and allocation
For invoicing and allocation, if the transactions of two accounts should be processed differently, these two accounts should be included in different account groups. If the transactions usually use the same rate, consider including their accounts in one group. - Consider whether you need the Off-balance account groups that are not linked to general ledger accounts and that can hold amounts not posted to the General ledger.
By using account groups, you can view specific balances by project.
For example: The EXPENSE account group was created for customisation projects and includes
the following accounts:
- 4010 Travel expenses
- 4030 Accommodation
- 4050 Car rent
- 4113 Office supplies
- 4115 Miscellaneous expenses
Employees will record their expenses related to the project to the appropriate general ledger accounts. The project manager can view the project's expenses as the balance of the EXPENSE account group, which is the total of all expenses recorded to all the expense accounts included in the EXPENSE account group.

When creating a document, you must specify a project task for each applicable transaction. However, automatically added transactions, such as freight transactions for sales invoices, do not have a project task specified, leading to errors.
To resolve this issue, provide account-task mapping for automatically added transactions using the Account-task mapping tab in the Projects (PM301000) window. If multiple similar projects require the same mapping, define the rules using the Project templates (PM208000) window.

You can create attributes in the Attributes (CS205000) window to
Store additional properties of account groups that can be used in invoicing and in allocations.
Specify which of the attributes can be assigned to account groups in the Account groups (PM201000) window.