Run allocations by task

  1. Go to the Run allocations by task (PM502000) window.
  2. In the Allocation rule field, select the allocation rule you want to list tasks for.
  3. In the Project field, select the project you want to list tasks for.
  4. Optional:
    • In the Project task field, you can select a project task.
    • In the Customer class field, you can select a customer class.
      The list in the table will only include the active project tasks for the selected customer class.
    • In the Customer field, you can select a customer.
      The list in the table will include only the active project tasks for the selected customer.
    • In the Posting date field, you can assign a date to the allocation transactions.
    • In the Date range restrictions section, you can select a date range.
      The system will only allocate transactions from the date range you specify.
      If you do not select From, the system starts with the oldest allocated transaction.
      If you do not select To, the system allocates up to the last allocated transaction.
  5. You now have two options:

    • Select the check boxes in front of specific projects in the table, and click Allocate.
    • Click Allocate all if you want to invoice all of the listed projects in the table.

When the processing finishes, you will see the for all invoices that were successfully processed.