Visma Net
Statement cycles - overview
In Visma Net, you can configure statement cycles for collection procedures. At the end of a statement cycle, you prepare statements and send them to your customers. Statements provide customers with records of their financial activity for a specific period and include the ending balance. Customers can reconcile the balances of their accounts with the information in the statements.
You use the Statement cycles (AR202800) window to create new statement cycles and modify existing ones. For each statement cycle, you define the following:
- The schedule. You can generate statements once or twice a month. The
Prepare on setting offers the following options:
- End of month: If you select this option, statements will be generated on the last day of each month.
- Fixed day: If you select this option, statements will be generated on a particular day of each month. If you select this option, you use the Day of month field to specify the number of this day (such as 15 if invoicing occurs on the 15th day of each month).
- Custom: If you select this option, statements will be generated on the two days of the month that you specify. If you select this option, you use the Day of month and the Day of month 1 fields to specify the numbers of these two days.
- The ageing periods. You can set up four aging periods for each cycle, to group the sums
of the balances of open invoices and debit notes by the number of days they are past
due. You use the Ageing settings section of this window to define
the maximum number of days past the due date for each ageing period and the description
of the period. If you want aging periods to take into account the balances of credit
memos and open payments, select the Age credits check box on the
General settings tab of the
Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window.
The system also uses the aging period settings in customer ledger ageing reports, which you can analyse to identify potential cash flow problems.
- The statement processing options of the cycle. You can use the following options to
implement your company's policies:
- Require overdue charges calculation before statement: If you select this check box, when you try to prepare statements, the system checks whether overdue charges have been calculated and, if not, issues a warning that overdue charges should be calculated before the statements are created.
- Require payment application before statement processing: If you select this check box, when you try to prepare statements, the system checks whether all customer payments are applied and, if not, issues a warning that payments should be applied to invoices before statements are created.
- The overdue charges of the cycle. The Apply overdue charges and Overdue charge ID settings define, respectively, whether calculation of overdue charges is required for customers assigned to the statement cycle and which overdue charges should be used; these settings apply only if the Set default overdue charge by statement cycle check box on the General settings tab of the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window is selected. If the check box is cleared, the overdue charges defined for the customer class are instead applied.
You can assign a statement cycle to a customer class by using the Customer classes (AR201000) window or directly to a customer by using the Customers (AR303000) window.
Visma Net offers two types of statements:
- Open item: The statement lists only open documents of the customer through the date when the statement was prepared.
- Balance brought forward: The statement lists all documents recorded during the last statement cycle period. Also, the amount outstanding from the previous statement is shown at the beginning of the statement.
You can assign either statement type to customer classes and to individual customers. You use the Statement type field to set this option for a specific customer class in the Customer classes (AR201000) window and for an individual customer in the Customers (AR303000) window.
By default, the statements are prepared in the base currency; the Customer statement (AR641500) report is used. For foreign customers, you can specify that statements should be created in multiple currencies; in this case, the Customer statement currency (AR642000) report is used. For customers of a specific customer class, you can specify whether to create the statements in multi-currency format, by using the Multi-currency statements check box in the Customer classes (AR201000) window. For particular customers of the class, you can override the class setting by using the option with the same name in the Customers (AR303000) window.
Depending on the policies established in your company, you can prepare a single consolidated statement for each customer or prepare multiple statements for each branch of your company. To prepare consolidated statements for all customers, select the Consolidate statements for all branches check box on the General settings tab of the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window. If you want to prepare consolidated statements, in the Statement from branch field, you should also select the branch that will be specified as the sender.
Related concepts
Manage credit policy - overview
About the statement processing workflow
Related tasks
Print customer statements or send them by email
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