Add discount codes

  1. Go to the Discount codes (AR209000) window.
  2. Click .
  3. In the Discount code column, enter a unique code for the discount. You can use letters and numbers, up to 10 characters.
  4. In the Description column, enter a brief description of the discount. You can use letters and numbers, up to 250 characters.
  5. Select the right Discount type.
  6. From the drop-down list in the Applicable to column, select the entity that you want to be applied to the discount.
    Depending on your discount type, you will get different options.
  7. You can further specify the discount code by selecting one or more check boxes in the next columns.

    Example: If you want the system to automatically generate series IDs, based on the created discount code, select Auto numbering. The series will then be displayed in the Last number column.
  8. Click .

Work process overview

Customer discounts