Set up a discount series

  1. Go to the Discounts (AR209500) window.
  2. Click to select the Discount code you want to use.
  3. In the Series field, click and select a series number from the list or enter a new number manually.
    If the Auto numbering for the discount is selected in the Discount codes (AR209000) window, the system will automatically create a new series for you. The field will display <NEW> before you save.

  4. In the drop-down list Discount by, select whether the discount should be specified by Percent or Amount.
  5. In the drop-down list Break by, choose a range for the series in the form of Quantity or Amount.
  6. If the series is active, select the Active check box.
  7. If the series is a promotional discount, select the Promotional check box.
    For promotional discount series, you must specify the effective date and the expiration date.
  8. If you want the discount to be prorated, select the Prorate discount check box. This requires that you have chosen Amount in the Discount by drop-down list.
  9. Click .