Set up invoice mailing for a customer

  1. Go to the Customers (AR303000) window.
  2. In the Customer number field, select the customer for which you want to configure the mailing.
  3. Go to the Mailing settings tab.
  4. In the Mailings table, click and select INVOICE on the new row.
  5. In the Email account column, select the email account from which the invoices will be sent.
  6. In the Report column, select the report to be used for generating the invoices, which will be sent as an attachment.
  7. In the Notification template column, select the InvoiceNotification template, which will be used to compose the body of the email.
  8. In the Format column, select the attachment format.

If the format specified in this mailing does not match the format preferences of a contact, the attachment will be sent in the format preferred by the contact.

  1. Select the Active check box for the mailing.
  2. In the Recipients table, click .
  3. In the Contact type column, select Invoicing.

The person that is displayed in the Attention field, in the Customers (AR303000) window on the Invoicing settings tab, will be the recipient for the dunning letters.

  1. Click .