Process multiple transfer orders

Transfer orders are fulfilled by the creation of shipments that are later received at the destination warehouse.
If you need to process a single transfer order, see: Process a transfer order.

You can create shipments, print pick lists and shipment confirmations for multiple transfer orders simultaneously in the Process orders (SO501000) window.
Then you will need to confirm each shipment and then create receipts one by one.

  1. Go to the Process orders (SO501000) window.
  2. In the Action field, select Create shipment.
  3. Optional: Select the appropriate option in the Select by field to specify how orders are displayed:
    • Ship date: To display the orders by their shipment dates
    • Order date: To display the orders by their creation dates
  4. Optional: In the Start date and End date fields, specify the date range for the dates of the type you selected.
  5. Optional: To further narrow the list of orders, select a particular customer in the Customer field.
  6. Optional: In the Ship via field, select a particular ship via code.
  7. Optional: Specify and apply a filter to select orders by specific criteria.
    You can create a reusable filter for the window that, once created, gives you the ability to display particular documents each time you bring up this window.
    For more information, see: Filters (CS209010).
  8. Review the resulting list of orders and select the orders of the TR type for processing by selecting the check boxes next to them (in the column with a check box as a heading).
  9. Click Process in the toolbar. Success of the process is indicated by a green OK button that appears in the toolbar.