Calculate pending supplier prices for items

  1. Go to the Supplier price worksheets (AP202010) window.
  2. In the Reference no. field, click to select the price list for which you want to calculate pending prices.
  3. In the Effective date field, enter a date from which the pending prices will be effective. The date is automatically set to today's date.
    Select the Overwrite overlapping prices option to overwrite any prices with effective dates that overlap with the worksheet's effective dates.
  4. Click Calculate pending prices.
  5. In the pop-up window, select the percentage of the price adjustment in the % of original price field.
    For example: if you want to raise the prices by 10%, enter 110.
  6. Select the price basis of the adjustment.
  7. Click Update.
  8. Deselect the Hold check box.
  9. Click Release.

The pending prices will become effective on the date you entered in the Effective date field.

If you want to use promotional prices, select the Promotional check box and enter the promotion's expiration date.