Add a scorecard KPI widget

You can add to a dashboard a scorecard KPI (Key Performance Indicator) widget based on any inquiry window of Visma Net.

  1. Open the Add widget dialog box as follows:
    1. Open the dashboard where you want to add a widget.
    2. In the dashboard title bar, click Design to switch to design mode.
    3. In one of the place holders in the widgets area, click Add a new widget to open the Add widget dialog box.
  2. In the list of widgets, click Scorecard KPI, and then click Next to open the Widget properties dialog box.
  3. In the Inquiry screen field, select the inquiry window to provide the source data for the widget.
  4. Optional: Click Inquiry parameters to change the default parameters for the selected inquiry.
  5. Optional: In the Shared filter to apply field, select the shared filter that will be used to filter the data shown in the widget.
  6. Optional: In the Scorecard title field, type the caption of the scorecard parameter to be displayed in the scorecard area.
  7. In the Field to aggregate field, select the field from the selected inquiry window to be displayed on the widget.
  8. In the Aggregate function field, select the function to aggregate the values of the selected inquiry field on the widget.
  9. Specify the alarm settings for the widget as follows:
    1. In the Normal level field, specify the normal threshold of an aggregated field value.
    2. In the Alarm level field, specify the alarm threshold of an aggregated field value.
      An employee of your company who monitors the dashboard should pay attention to the parameter if it is close to or greater than this threshold.
    3. In the Normal colour field, select the colour of the widget background to be used when the aggregate value of the field selected in the Field to aggregate field is less than or equal to the value specified in the Normal level field.
    4. In the Warning colour field, select the colour of the widget background to be used when the aggregate value of the field selected in the Field to aggregate field is between the values specified in the Normal level and Alarm level fields.
    5. In the Alarm colour field, select the colour of the widget background to be used when the aggregate value of the field selected in the Field to aggregate field is equal to or greater than the value specified in the Alarm level field.
  10. If you want to manually specify the font size to be used on the widget, make sure that the Automatically adjust font size check box is cleared, and in the Font size field, specify the font size.
    Otherwise, the font size will be adjusted automatically by the system.
  11. Optional: In the Caption field, type the name of the widget to be displayed on the dashboard.
  12. Click Finish to add the scorecard KPI widget to the dashboard.