Add a data table widget

You can add to a dashboard a data table widget based on any inquiry window of Visma Net.

For more information on table widgets, see: About dashboards.

This topic describes the process of adding a data table widget to a dashboard.

  1. Open the Add widget dialog box as follows:
    1. Open the dashboard where you want to add a widget.
    2. In the dashboard title bar, click Design to switch to design mode.
    3. In one of the place holders in the widgets area, click Add a new widget to open the Add widget dialog box.
  2. In the Inquiry screen field, select the inquiry window that will provide the source data for the widget.
  3. Optional: Click Inquiry parameters to change the default parameters for the selected inquiry.
  4. Optional: In the Shared filter to apply field, select the shared filter that will be used to filter the data shown in the widget.
  5. Optional: Set up the height of the widget and the number of records to be displayed on the widget as follows:
    • If you want to display a certain number of records on the widget, select the Automatically adjust height check box, and in the Record limit field, specify the number of records or leave the default value.

      With these settings, the widget height will be adjusted automatically by the system according to the number of records specified in the Record limit field.
      (You cannot adjust the widget height manually.)

    • If the widget size is more important to you than the particular number of records on the widget, you need to make sure that the Automatically adjust height check box is cleared, and adjust the widget height manually.
      The system will limit the number of records automatically according to the widget height.
  6. Click Column settings to open the Column settings dialog box.
  7. In the Column settings dialog box, configure the list of columns that should be displayed on the widget as follows, and then click OK:
    • To remove a column from the list of selected columns, double-click the column name in the Selected columns list.
      The column name is moved to the Available columns list.
    • To add a column to the list of selected columns, double-click the column name in the Available columns list.
      The column name is moved to the Selected columns list.
    • To arrange the order of columns in the Selected columns list, select the column name that should be moved to another place and click Move up or Move down.
  8. Optional: In the Caption field, type the name of the widget to be displayed on the dashboard.
  9. In the Widget properties dialog box, click Finish to add the table widget to the dashboard.