Add a new dashboard page

For more information on managing dashboard pages, see: About dashboard pages.

  1. Go to the Dashboards (SM208600) window.
  2. Click .
  3. In the Name field, type the name of the new dashboard.
    It should be unique within the system, because it will be used as the ID of the dashboard.
  4. Specify location of the dashboard page in one of the following ways:
    • In the Sitemap location field, select a node of the site map where the dashboard should be located.
    • Click Add new node to create a separate node in the site map for the dashboard.
  5. Optional: In the Owner role field, select a user role to be an owner of the dashboard.
  6. Optional: Select the Allow users to personalise check box if you want to permit other users who have access to the dashboard to create personal copies of the dashboard.
  7. In the Visible to table, set up the access rights for the user roles to the dashboard by selecting or clearing the check box in the corresponding row.
  8. Click .

The dashboard page is added to the location you have specified.