Visma Net
About stocktaking
The stocktaking process in a particular warehouse includes the following stages:
- Prepare stocktaking
- Taking stock
- Data entry
- Adjustment generation
These stages are discussed in detail in the following sections.
The preparation process is described in the table below.
Stage | Description |
1 |
The user:
The Stocktaking review document
The document ID is auto-generated in
accordance with the numbering sequence assigned to stocktakings in theInventory preferences (IN101000) window.
Starting at the moment when the document has been generated, no operations involving items included in the list are allowed, meaning that this inventory is in a "frozen" state.
The Stocktaking review document contains the list of items for stocktaking, arranged to your specifications on the
Assignment order tab of the Stocktaking types (IN208900) window.
Document lines
The line number is assigned to one or more items that
- have the same item ID,
- are located in the same storage location, and
- if applicable, have a specific lot or serial number.
For each stock item included in the stocktaking, the document may have one or more lines, depending on how many locations are used to store the item and whether the item has subitems or lot or serial numbers. For items with serial numbers assigned, a separate line is generated for each serial number.
Count sheets for counting items
Use the Stocktaking sheets (IN620500) to print item lists for distribution to all employees involved in taking stock. You can use these stocktaking sheets for recording the results of actual stocktaking and, when signed, for entering the stocktaking results.
Using tags in stocktaking
Tags may or may not be used in the stocktaking process, depending on the Use tags check box on the Inventory preferences window. A stocktaking with tags is more complicated than a stocktaking without them; during a tag stocktaking, every item in a warehouse is counted by its location. The tag stocktaking is appropriate for a full-scale, end-of-year stocktaking. When you use tags for the first time, specify an appropriate Last tag number on the Inventory preferences window. This value incremented by 1 will be used as the first tag number.
We recommend that you use 1000 as the start number for the first stocktaking.
If the Use tags option is selected, the stocktaking document includes tag numbers for each line generated. To print tags for the stocktaking in progress, use the Stocktaking sheets report and distribute tags among employees in accordance with their lists.
Employees involved in the stocktaking use the stocktaking sheets. No movement of goods is allowed at the time of stocktaking, and no stock transactions are released.
If you are using tags, they are used for recording the stocktaking results for the line items they specify. When the stocktaking is complete, tags are used for data entry. Match all tags against the document to ensure that all tags are returned and no data is skipped.
The Data entry process is described in the table below.
Stage | Description |
1 |
A manager responsible for stocktaking can:
2 |
An employee:
3 |
The manager:
4 |
The system:
5 |
The manager:
Once the manager overseeing the stocktaking completes it, the system changes the Stocktaking review document's status to Completed and generates an inventory adjustment or receipt to correct the book quantities. The reference numbers of these documents are displayed on the Adjustment info tab, and the status of the documents is Balanced.
A receipt is generated for items with no records of item-associated transactions. These items are considered newly received, and a receipt is generated.
An adjustment is generated for all other items with a non-zero quantity variance. The system uses the current costs of the items for calculation of the cost variance.