About input validation options

You can create input masks to help users enter data in a specific format for such elements as phone numbers, postcodes, and VAT ID numbers.
Also, you can use regular expressions to validate that the values the user enters not only comply with the input format but also meet specific requirements.

You create input masks by using the following symbols:

  • C - Designates any character
  • A - Designates any letter or digit
  • L - Designates a letter only
  • # - Designates a digit only
  • ? - Designates an optional letter
  • 9 - Designates an optional digit

You can also use the following control symbols (which are not place-holders) to affect the characters that follow them:

  • >
    Requires that all letters that follow this symbol are an upper case letter.
    If a lower case letter is typed, the system will automatically convert it to upper case. Subsequent > symbols will actually toggle the upper case.
    For example: The mask >LL>LL>LL will cause the upper case to be turned off for the second LL characters, but then turned back on for the third LL characters.
  • <
    Requires that all letters that follow this symbol are a lower case letter.
    If an upper case letter is typed, the system converts it to lower case. Subsequent < characters will actually toggle the lower case functionality.
    For example: The mask <LL<LL<LL will cause the lower case to be turned off for the second LL characters, but then turned back on the third LL characters.
  • \
    Makes the next character be displayed literally, as it is.
  • ""
    Makes characters within the quotation marks be displayed literally.