Visma Net
Automation schedules (SM205020)
This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.
In this window, you can select a processing window and schedule the automatic execution of a specific operation for documents that match certain conditions.
Also, you can view
other schedules that have been defined for the same window or other windows and modify
them as needed.
For details on using automation schedules, see: About scheduled processing.
The window is available only if the Scheduled processing functionality is enabled in the Enable/disable functionalities (CS100000) window.

Button | Description |
View window | Navigates to the window that is the object of automation. |
Run schedule | Clicking this button test executes the selected schedule. |

In the top part, you select an existing automation schedule for viewing or editing its settings or specify the settings of a new schedule.
Element | Description |
Schedule ID |
The identifier of the automation schedule. |
Description | Required. A description of the automation schedule. |
Window ID | Required. The name of the Visma Net processing or inquiry window, that is the object of automation. You click the Magnifier icon in the field to display the site tree and select a window by its name from the site tree. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the automation schedule is active and can be used for automation. |
Action name |
The name of the action that is to be performed by the schedule. You must select a Schedule ID to see the Action name. When a processing window is selected in the Screen ID, you can select one of the actions available on toolbar of the processing window. |

Use this tab to enter, view, and edit additional settings of the automation schedule..
Element | Description |
Starts on |
The date when the schedule starts. By default, the field contains the current business date. |
Expires on | The date when the schedule expires. |
No expiration date | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the schedule never expires. |
Execution limit | The number of times the schedule should be executed. |
No execution limit | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the schedule can be executed an unlimited number of times. |
Language |
The language to be used in the notifications coming from scheduler. Select between:
Executed | A read-only field that displays the number of times the schedule has been executed. |
Last executed | The date when the schedule was executed last. |
Next execution | The date when the schedule will be executed next. |
Time zone |
The time zone in which the schedule operates. The default value is the time zone of the currently signed-in user. |

Schedule type and Schedule details sections presented in coordination
Element | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Daily |
Select to configure the schedule to be executed daily.
Weekly |
Select to configure the schedule to be executed weekly.
Monthly |
Select to configure the schedule to be executed monthly.
By financial period |
Select to configure the schedule to be executed monthly.

Element | Description |
Run between |
One field indicating the start time: The hour/half hour when the first session of the schedule should start. One field indicating the end time: The hour/half hour when the first session of the schedule should stop. When the specified time comes, the system finishes processing of the current document (if the processing is in mid-document at the stop time) and proceeds with the next documents at the next execution time. |
Every | The interval in hours and minutes between successive sessions of execution if the schedule must be executed multiple times a day. If you specify a value in this box, you must specify the value in the Run between box. |

Element | Description |
Every x day(s) |
An integer that represents the time interval (in days) for action execution. For example: 1 means every day and 2 means every other day, starting on the date specified in Starts on on the Details tab. |

Element | Description |
Every x week(s) |
An integer that represents the time interval (in weeks) for
action execution, with the fields below indicating the day of the
week when the action should be executed. You can select any of the check boxes below. |
Sunday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Sunday. |
Monday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Monday. |
Tuesday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Tuesday. |
Wednesday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Wednesday. |
Thursday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Thursday. |
Friday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Friday. |
Saturday | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should execute the action on Saturday. |

Element | Description |
Every x Period(s) | An integer that represents the time interval between schedule executions, measured in
financial periods, with the options below indicating the date when
the action should be executed. All the transactions will be dated on this date. You can select one of the options below. |
End of the period | An option that sets the end date of the financial period as the day when the action should be executed. |
Start of the period | An option that sets the start date of the financial period as the day when the action should be executed. |
Fixed day of the period | An option that defines a particular day of the financial period when the action should be executed. |

On the Conditions tab, you define the conditions for the schedule to be
If documents or records in the Visma Net window specified in the Window ID field match the conditions
specified here, the action specified in the Action name field of the top part will be executed for this document.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active. |
Start bracket | The opening bracket for a logical expression. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations. |
Field name | The field in the selected window. You can set up conditions on the field value. |
Condition | The logical operation to apply to the value of the selected data field. The following options are available: Equals, Does not equal, Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, Is less than or equal to, Contains, Starts with, Ends with, Does not contain, Is between, Is null, and Is not null. |
Relative | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the value of the date field is relative
with respect to the current business date. This option is used only if the field selected in the Field name column for this row is a date field. |
Value | The first value of the condition to be compared with the value of the data field selected in this row. |
Value 2 | The second value of the condition, if required by the condition selected in this row.
Most of the conditions require only one value to be specified, while Is between requires two values. |
End bracket | The bracket for enclosing a logical expression. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations. |
Operator | The logical operator, And or Or, to be used to join logical expressions on different lines. |

If the scheduled window (the window selected in the Window ID field of the top part)
is a processing window that has a top part, on this tab, you can assign values
to any of the elements in the top part of the window that has been selected for
If the scheduled window is a generic inquiry window with parameters, on this tab, you can assign values to any of the parameters of the generic inquiry.
This tab appears only if the window you want to schedule has parameters.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active and will be used during schedule execution. |
Field name | The field in the top part whose value you want to set or the parameter of the generic inquiry. |
Relative |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field value is
relative to the current business date. This option is used only for date and period fields. For example, if you create an automation schedule for calculating depreciation from period ‘10-2019’ and the Relative check box is selected, you do not have to change the ‘To Period’ each month for your schedule. With this check box selected the system will do it for you when running the schedule in the Calculate depreciation (FA502000) window. |
Value | The value to be assigned to the field selected in the Field name column for this row. |
Ignore error | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should ignore any errors occurred during processing with the specified field value or execution of the generic inquiry with the specified parameter value. |