Price lists

Agency price lists can be added to Settings - Price lists. After this, they will be available to add to the customer from the customer database. You can specify that one of your price lists is to be used as a standard price list. This means it will be selected automatically when a new customer is created.

When you add a price list, the activities that you are pricing are those that are defined for each task. Activities can be priced either per hour or per transaction depending on how they are defined in Settings - Tasks.

When you create a new price list, you can make selections for how the list should be displayed. It is possible to select if the prices should be added Independent of activity, Per task or Per activity. You can also select if it should be added Independent of employee, Per price group or Per employee.

It is possible to make selections for task, activity, employee and price group. It is possible to make selections for task, activity, employee and price group. If you, for example, have set the display of price list to Per task and Per employee, you can filter and select which task/tasks and employee/employees you would like to see in the list.