Resource planning

With the Resource planning you can plan what resources should do what in a task. With help from graphs and reports, it is for example possible to follow up how the planned time corresponds to the actual time spent on a specific customer, a task or an employee. You have a total overview of the agency's planning and available resources.

It is possible to resource plan on two different levels: time activity level (which is the default setting) and task level. Go to Settings - Agency settings - Other settings to switch levels.

Example of resource planning functionality:

  • Two different views - Per employee and Per customer
    • In the view Per employee you can select if you wish to include All, Employees with planned hours or only Employees without planned hours.
    • In the view Per customer you can select if you wish to include All, Customers with planned hours or only Customers without planned hours
  • Plan resources by using a wizard to copy previous periods
  • Plan resources manually
  • Allocation tool
  • Set utilization ratio limits
  • Summary of the employee's scheduled time, planned absence, planned time, unplanned hours and capacity utilization ratio, when hovering over the Σ sign
  • Reports and graphs - follow-up on hours and invoicing.