Visma Påminnelse Direkt

If you have sales invoices that are overdue you can use Visma Påminnelse Direkt, which is a service free of charge from Amili (formerly known as Visma Financial Solutions), where you get help with collecting payments for overdue invoices.

We take care of the late payment interest

The collected late payment interest is automatically paid out to you. The interest is charged from the due date on the outstanding invoice and is paid out after the payment has been received. The charged late payment interest is calculated according to the Interest Act and is at 8% + reference rate.

So, it is even better to hand over your overdue invoices now! And YES - this means we're all in for interest billing.

How do I get started?

  1. Go to Apps and extensions.
  2. Select Visma Påminnelse Direkt.
  3. Choose Get started in the top right corner. Visma Påminnelse Direkt will now open in a new window.

The first time you use the service you need to register your company. The company details are retrieved from Visma eEkonomi Pro and when you have read and approved the service agreement you are redirected to the login page where you log in using the same credentials as for Visma eEkonomi Pro. If you have several companies you have to switch between the companies in Visma eEkonomi Pro and repeat the same steps for each company.

The next time you log into Visma Påminnelse Direkt, you can access the service at and save the page as a favourite in your browser.

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Register an invoice from Påminnelse Direkt