Visma eEkonomi Pro
Visma Påminnelse Direkt
If you have sales invoices that are overdue you can use Visma Påminnelse Direkt, which is a service free of charge from Visma Amili (formerly known as Visma Financial Solutions), where you get help with collecting payments for overdue invoices.
We take care of the late payment interest
The collected late payment interest is automatically paid out to you. The interest is charged from the due date on the outstanding invoice and is paid out after the payment has been received. The charged late payment interest is calculated according to the Interest Act and is at 8% + reference rate.
So, it is even better to hand over your overdue invoices now! And YES - this means we're all in for interest billing.
How do I get started?
- Go to Apps and extensions.
- Select Visma Påminnelse Direkt.
- Choose Get started in the top right corner. Visma Påminnelse Direkt will now open in a new window.
The first time you use the service you need to register your company. The company details are retrieved from Visma eEkonomi Pro and when you have read and approved the service agreement you are redirected to the login page where you log in using the same credentials as for Visma eEkonomi Pro. If you have several companies you have to switch between the companies in Visma eEkonomi Pro and repeat the same steps for each company.
The next time you log into Visma Påminnelse Direkt, you can access the service at and save the page as a favourite in your browser.
When you log into Visma Påminnelse Direkt you can track the status of your issue from when the overdue sales invoice is retrieved until the issue is closed.
If you have any questions regarding your invoices, you can send an e-mail to Visma Amili:
The Visma Påminnelse Direkt service is free for your company. Visma Amili will charge your customer with reminder fees and debt collection demands. How much the fees and demand add up to depends on how far the process goes. When the customer has paid their invoice, you will receive the entire invoiced amount into your operating account. You will find more specific information about the fees in the service agreement that you take part of when registering for the service.
If you have used the Visma Påminnelse Direkt service to collect a debt, Visma Amili will compile what measures they have taken and send you an invoice. The invoice from Visma Amili relates to the reminder fees and debt collection demand that your customer has paid. When you register the invoice, you post the VAT to the ledger as input VAT on account 2641. That way it will be registered in the VAT report and will be of no cost to you. If the issue goes all the way to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, the invoice may also include additional fees.
The collected late payment interest is automatically paid out to you. The interest is charged from the due date on the outstanding invoice and is paid out after the payment has been received. The charged late payment interest is calculated according to the Interest Act and is at 8% + reference rate.
So, it is even better to hand over your overdue invoices now! And YES - this means we're all in for interest billing.
The late payment interest is paid separately by Visma Amili to your Bankgiro, and you will receive supporting documentation via email from Amili. In Visma eEkonomi Pro, you then record the interest payment in Kassa- och bankhändelser. The interest is posted under account 8313 - Interest income from short-term receivables.
Please note that it is not possible to link the interest to a specific sales invoice. The interest must be posted to the ledger as a separate income.
You use the same login as for Mina tjänster/Visma eEkonomi. You can access the service Påminnelse Direkt through Apps and extensions or by saving the URL in your bookmarks bar.
The debt collection is sent 12 days after the reminder if the payment is still unpaid.
After a total of 24 days have passed and neither the reminder nor the debt collection claim has been paid, we check the “scoring”. That is, what payment ability the customer has so that we can decide if we can proceed to the Swedish Enforcement Authority.
One. Then it goes on to debt collection.
For private individuals, all reminders and debt collection claims are primarily sent to Kivra if the end customer has it. If the end customer does not have a digital mailbox registered, it will be sent via email, and if not, a regular letter will be sent.
For companies, all reminders and debt collection claims are primarily sent as e-invoices. If the company cannot receive e-invoices, they are sent by email, and if not, a regular letter is sent.
Yes, you cannot use Påminnelse Direkt for foreign invoices, Rot/Rut invoices, or invoices in a currency other than SEK.
As soon as you have received your money, you register the invoice as paid in Visma eEkonomi Pro, and as the invoice is paid in full, the case will be closed automatically. So, you don’t need to do anything in the Påminnelse Direkt portal.
If the case has gone to collections, the case will not be closed in the portal when the invoice is registered as paid in Visma eEkonomi Pro. Then you need to contact Visma Amili (former Visma Financial Solutions) to close the case. In connection with this, it is also closed in the portal. Visma Amili will then send a residual claim for the collection fee to the debtor, that is, your customer. If you want to bear this cost yourself, then notify this to Visma Amili by using the email address
Log in to Påminnelse Direk and close the case in the portal.
Then credit/void the invoice in Visma eEkonomi Pro.
Keep in mind that you may need to cover any costs in the case when you choose to close the case yourself.
Yes, it's possible if the invoice has already been sent as a case to Påminnelse Direkt.
Log in to Påminnelse Direkt, select the invoice in question by clicking on the invoice row, and then click the Action button. Choose Postpone and select the new due date. Finish by selecting Send.
Below you see how they can look. Click the images to enlarge.
Reminder | Debt collection claim |
Sometimes there are abbreviations used by case management and customer service regarding ongoing cases. Here you can find the most common abbreviations with explanations.
G/GL = Debtor - the one who should pay
UG = Client - the one who wants to get paid
Bet = Payment
KFM = Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden)
BF = Payment summons - when the debt collection claim is not paid and the case is forwarded to the Enforcement Authority
UTM = Seizure - when the Enforcement Authority decides to collect a debt
KK = Bankruptcy
Bev = Monitoring - when a case does not proceed to the Enforcement Authority but is placed on monitoring with Visma
R = Contacted - when in contact with customer service or case management
IK = Debt collection claim
PÅM = Reminder
REX = Solvency check via the Enforcement Authority - a check of the debtor's assets
TR = District Court
Amplan/Avbetplan/Amortering = Amortisation table- when the debtor has the opportunity to divide their payment
Kostn = Cost
SUT = Lacks seizable assets
Lång tid = The case is under follow-up, and reminders are sent to the debtor 3-4 times a year once the decision has been made not to forward the case to the Enforcement Authority.
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Register an invoice from Påminnelse Direkt |
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