Approve purchase invoices

In companies with multiple employees, or companies that collaborate with accounting offices, it might be useful to be able to approve or send purchase invoices for approval in Visma eEkonomi Pro. Those who approve the invoice can either do it in the program or via the Visma eEkonomi app. Those who approve must also have permissions and licence for Visma eEkonomi.

To send purchase invoices for approval you have to activate the feature. The Purchase invoices must be approved setting can be activated under Settings - Company settings and the accounting settings tab. By clicking on the headings below, you can read more about the different ways to use this feature.

You can have several approvers and decide in which order they should approve. You'll find the approval settings on the supplier. If someone makes a change to an already approved invoice, the approval flow is reset and those who have already approved must do it again. This applies if you use the approval flows Approval in specific order and Approval in any order. However, if you have made the choice No specific approver, it is okay to make changes without the need for new approvals.

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User rights
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Searchword: expenses, costs, supplier invoice, expense accounts, enter invoice, enter purchase, post VAT to ledger