Visma eEkonomi Pro
Importing or exporting cost centre records
You can update your cost centre records in an efficient and easy way by using the export and import functionality in Visma eEkonomi Pro. To be able to import cost units to a cost centre in the program, the file must be created as a comma-separated CSV file. You can read more about saving data in CSV format below.
When you import a CSV file to Visma eEkonomi Pro, for the import to be successful it is important that each column has the correct header, is in the correct order, uses correct coding, and has a value in the mandatory fields. The column header represents the fields you find when you add a new cost unit in a cost centre in Visma eEkonomi Pro. Please see the field explanations below for more information.
Add or update cost units to cost centre
In order to update your cost centre record, you export a CSV (Excel) file, update the cost centre record and then import the record into the program again. Please note that if a value is unique (for example a cost centre short name), the value will not change in the program even if it has changed in the CSV file. If you make changes to a unique value, the program will not accept the file.
Delete cost units from cost centre
It is not possible to delete cost units from a record by exporting and importing. Rows that are deleted from an exported file and that later is imported into Visma eEkonomi Pro again will still be shown in Visma eEkonomi Pro.
Default value
There are fields that are not mandatory but still have a value by default. If you add rows to a CSV file but do not add values before you import the file into Visma eEkonomi Pro, the program will add the default value for you.
Cost centre number
It is possible to have three different cost centres registered at the same time. Their value in the file is always 1, 2 or 3. To be able to import new cost units to a cost centre, the cost centre needs to be added in Visma eEkonomi Pro before the import.
For importing to the program to work problem-free, all data must be saved in the correct way in a comma-separated CSV file. In the file, information is separated with semicolons. In Microsoft, the file is called CSV comma separated or CSV comma delimited, depending on which Office package you have installed. In Mac, the same format is called Windows comma delimited (.CSV).
The format in which your exported information is created can vary slightly depending on the program, but you can format them so the information can be imported into Visma eEkonomi Pro.
The field explanations below provide more information about which fields must be included for the program to be able to accept an import and how these must be coded. It is important that you read through these to ensure correct coding.
Field name in file | Field name in Visma eEkonomi Pro | Value in the file | Comment |
CostCenterNumber | Group number | 1,2,3 | Mandatory and requires code |
CostCenterItemIsActive | Is active or not | True for active False for inactive |
CostCenterItemName | Name | ||
CostCenterItemShortName | Short Name | Mandatory and unique |
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