Submit EU periodic VAT declaration to Skatteverket

The EU periodic VAT declaration is submitted to Skatteverket either monthly or quarterly. Refer to Skatteverket's website to learn more about which reporting period applies for your company.

  1. Go to Accounting - EU periodic VAT declaration.
  2. Specify an Accounting period and the program will retrieve information for the report.
  3. Fill in Skatteverket's form manually with the help of the report information that is shown on the image screen, or select Create file to transfer the information to Skatteverket.

If you create a file, you give it a name and decide where it should be saved on your computer. When you later upload the file to Skatteverket, you retrieve it from the location where you saved it. Read more about Skatteverket's file transfer service at the Skatteverket.

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EU periodic VAT declaration