Visma Ekonomiöversikt

Visma Ekonomiöversikt is a service from Visma Spcs that you can use together with Visma eEkonomi Smart. The service can be purchased via Apps and extensions directly in the program. You can also order the service via or contact us by visting the page Kontakta oss på Visma Spcs.

A very useful feature in Visma Ekonomiöversikt is the possibility to make a Budget. Making a plan of the revenues and expenses over a specified future period of time and compare it to the actual outcome is a great help to notice deviations and act on them in good time. You create your budget under Budget & Forecast in the top menu.

Accounting data is automatically exported from Visma eEkonomi Smart once you open Visma Ekonomiöversikt. The state of the company is then presented by means of simple graphics of net turnover per month, costs per month, cost structure, unpaid purchase and sales invoices, cash and bank for example. You have easy access to read the profit and loss report and the balance sheet. You can even get the reports in English and they can be printed out.

Open Visma Ekonomiöversikt and export data

You can access it by choosing it in the list in the top left program window.

Once you select Visma Ekonomiöversikt in the top left list, you will be logged in to Visma Ekonomiöversikt. In connection with the login the accounting data from Visma eEkonomi Smart will be transferred automatically.

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Visma Ekonomiöversikt