Register an invoice from Påminnelse Direkt

If you have used Visma Financial Solutions' service Påminnelse Direkt you will receive an invoice with VAT and fees once your debts have been collected. To register the invoice and post it to the ledger, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Select New supplier and add Visma Financial Solutions as a supplier.
  3. Go to Purchasing - Purchase invoices.
  4. Select New purchase invoice.
  5. Create a new purchase invoice by adding Visma Financial Solutions as a Supplier and filling in the remaining invoice details.

If you want to register your input VAT, you use the account 2641 - Debiterad ingående moms. If you have fees relating to debt collection demands or the Swedish Enforcement Authority, you use the account 6062 - Inkasso och KFM-avgifter.

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Visma Påminnelse Direkt