Link images

When you have uploaded your source document images and registered the information you want on your images, you can link them to your accounting transactions. By selecting Link image, different views open depending on if the image you want to link is a receipt or a purchase invoice. In the view that opens, you can fill in any missing information and finalise the registration using the source document image as a support. The image is then linked to the bank transaction which you save and post to the ledger, and is also available in your balance sheet, ledger and profit and loss report.

You can link several source document images to one transaction. It is also possible to link images to a purchase with receipt or purchase invoice in retrospect, by simply opening the journal entry or purchase invoice and selecting Link image. If there are unlinked images in the program, you will receive a reminder about these upon logging in.

Related topics

Source document images
Upload images
Delete images or remove link

Search words: link image to manual journal entry, link images of receipts, link images of purchase invoices, link images of other documents