Add supplier

When you add a new supplier, you enter details such as those needed to pay invoices from the supplier. Next to Search new supplier, at the top under Basic information, you can easily search for and find the supplier's information by entering details such as their personal or corporate identity number, location, postcode or name.

  1. Go to Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Select New supplier.
  3. Enter the details you want to use to search for a supplier in the search fields next to Search new supplier.
  4. Select the search result that corresponds to the supplier from the list shown, so that the information is filled in automatically.
  5. Fill in the remaining supplier details and any internal notes you may want to add.
  6. Select Save. The supplier is now added to the Suppliers list

If you want your suppliers to send invoices as e-invoices, you can easily activate this by clicking the Receive e-invoices link at the bottom left of the Purchasing - Suppliers view.

With the Visma Kreditupplysning service, you can perform a complaint check or credit check on your supplier. Read more in the topic Perform credit check.

Related topics

Edit supplier
Delete supplier
Deactivate supplier