Copy invoice

Copying a sales invoice is time-saving if you often send similar invoices to the same customer. As it is not possible to change an already sent invoice, you must first copy over all information to a new invoice and then make changes there.

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.

You can copy sales invoices that are found under Drafts, Unpaid sales invoices and All sales invoices.

  1. Select the sales invoice you want to copy from the list.
  2. Select Actions - Copy to create a new invoice based on all the information from the copied invoice.
  3. Make the changes you want in the invoice.
  4. Do one of the following when you are finished with the invoice:
Post to ledger and send by email The invoice is automatically sent to the email address specified for the customer in the customer register. The invoice is saved under Unpaid sales invoices.
Post to ledger and create PDF The invoice is saved as a PDF and can be printed out.
Post to ledger and send e-invoice The invoice is sent to the customer as an e-invoice.
Post to ledger and send letter The invoice is sent for printing and sent as a letter.
Save draft The invoice is not posted and is saved under Drafts.

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Credit invoice
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