About fixed asset reversal

In Visma Net, if a fixed asset has released transactions associated with it, you cannot delete this asset from the system.
In this case, you can reverse the transactions and then annul the asset.

For example, suppose that you have created a new asset by converting a purchase to a fixed asset.
Then you have realised that the wrong receipt date is specified in the fixed asset record.
This date cannot be edited because the corresponding transactions (Purchasing + and Reconciliation + ) have already been released. For more information, see: About types of fixed asset transactions
In this case, you can annul this asset and again convert a purchase to a fixed asset with the correct settings.

You annul the asset by using the reverse procedure.
When you invoke this procedure, all transactions associated with the fixed asset are reversed in the corresponding book in which the original transactions are posted, and the asset gets the Reversed status.

For transactions recorded in the non-posting book, the reversal transactions are posted to the same financial period as the period of the original transactions.
For transactions recorded in the posting book in the book that updates general ledger or the reversal transactions are posted to the period of the original transactions only if this period is open; if the period of the original transactions is closed, the reversal transactions are posted to the nearest open financial period.