EC sales list (old) (AR40500S)

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.

Note ! This window has been replaced by the EC sales list (AR40501S) window and should no longer be used when sending the EC sales list to the tax agency. We recommend that you process your latest send EC sales list in the Confirm latest processed EC sales list (IA40501S) window, and then start using the EC sales list (AR40501S) window to prepare and send your EC sales lists to the tax agency.

In this window, you select the criteria for the EC sales list, and then all customer transactions will be listed. If you need to make any corrections to the customer details, you can open the Change customer details (AR50107S) window and make your corrections. For example, the VAT information for a customer is missing, or the customer has the wrong country code. After you have made your corrections, you need to refresh or reopen the EC sales list window again.

If you want to look at a customer's transaction in more detail before sending the list to the government, you click the Account details button to open the EC sales list (details) (AR40550S) window.