Visma Net
About customer account setup
After you have done preliminary configuration, creating a customer account is a matter of investing the time needed to type the customer's contact information and make any needed adjustments in the settings for this customer.In this topic, you will read about how to set up a customer account and how to further adjust the settings of each customer.
Here are the high-level steps for creating a customer account:
- You open the Customers (AR303000) window, and in the window
toolbar, you click
The default customer class is initially assigned to the new customer account, so the elements have the values that were specified for the default customer class. If you want the settings for this customer to be based on a different (more specific) customer class, select that class, and the elements will be populated with the values specified for the selected class. - You adjust the settings for this customer as needed and fill in information (such as details about payment methods and addresses) that was not defined in the selected customer class. One example is the payment method: If the customer class does not define a default payment method, you should specify one. Also, a default payment method may require you to provide customer-specific information, such as the card number. You can override any value, making it specific to the customer.
- When you have finished changing and adding customer details, make sure that all required settings have been filled in and save the new customer account.
But if you have to override many values similarly for multiple customers, consider creating a new customer class.

When you have finished with the initial setup of a customer account, the account contains
all the information the system needs to process the customer's documents. When you enter
customer documents in the Customer ledger workspace, you should first select the customer.
Once you do, the system fills in appropriate elements in the window with the settings
specified for the customer's account.Over time, customers may change their addresses, payment methods, and preferred carriers.
You can update customer accounts quickly as you learn about these changes.