Visma Net
Contract templates (CT202000)
This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.
You can use this window to create and maintain contract templates.
A contract template defines
the settings for all contracts that are based on the template.
The following
settings are basic for contracts built on this template: renewal and refund policy,
duration, currency, invoicing format, and case invoicing settings.
Each contract with a
customer must be based on a contract template.
When you create a new contract by
using the Customer contracts (CT301000) window, you select the
appropriate template, and the system fills in the settings of the template.
For details, see: About contract preparation.

If you are in the list window, the first line in the table is a search line. Each column has a search field which you can click to search for or filter on specific values and narrow down the displayed table rows. You can search and filter in as many columns as you need to, to only display the results you want to view.
There are two types of search fields:
- White: here you can type a specific search term to display results in this column containing this exact value. If you search on several (partial) words, you can separate them by a space or % and get different results:
space: the result contains the words in any order,
%: the result contains the words in the specific order, and the % functions as a wildcard as well.
- Grey: you can click this to open the column filter pop-up window where you can filter the results for this column.

By using the elements in this area, you can create a new contract template or select an existing template for editing.
Element | Description |
Contract template |
The unique identifier of the contract template, which is specified in accordance with the TMCONTRACT segmented key. |
Description |
A description of the contract template, with any relevant comments. This field supports the multi-language functionality, where you can translate the entered text to multiple languages. For more information, see:About multi-language support |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the template is available for selection. |

This tab provides general settings for contracts that are based on this template.

Element | Description |
Contract type |
The type of contract to be based on this template, which can be one of the following
Duration |
The duration of the contract, in the specified units. Select the number of units, and select one of the following units in the adjacent field: Year, Quarter, Month, or Custom (days). |
Refundable |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that recurring charges are to be refunded in proportion to unused services, but the setup and renewal fee is to be refunded according to the settings defined for each involved contract item in the Contract items (CT201000) window. |
Refund period |
The number of days after the contract setup date the customer may claim a refund. |
Mass renewal |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the contract is available for mass processing and is to be displayed in the Renew contracts (CT502000) window starting on the date that is the number of days before expiration specified in the Renewal point field. The check box provides a default value for the contracts to be based on the template. |
Renewal point |
The number of days before the contract expiration date when the system starts to display the contract in the Renew contracts (CT502000) window if the Mass renewal check box is selected for the contract. The fields provides a default value for the contracts to be based on the template. |
Grace period |
The period of time (in days) after the contract expiration date when services under a contract are provided and the contract can be renewed according to its type. After the end of the grace period, you cannot renew the contract. If you invoke the Renew contract action in the Customer contracts (CT301000) window after the grace period, the system creates a copy of the contract with the Draft status. The field provides a default value for the contracts to be based on the template. |
Currency | The currency to be used for invoicing the customer. |
Enable template item override |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the list of contract items included in the template can be changed for each contract based on this template. |
Automatically release customer documents |
A check box that indicates (if specified) that the customer documents generated in the process of contract invoicing will be released automatically; otherwise, they will have the Balanced status. |
Effective from |
The date when the template starts to be available for new contracts that you want to base on it. |
Discontinue after | The date after which the template becomes unavailable for selection when you create a new contract. |

Element | Description |
Invoicing period |
The invoicing period for the contracts based on the template. The following options are
available: Week, Month, Quarter, Half a
year, Year, Statement-based, and On
demand. For details on deposit contract items, see: About retainer contracts. |
Invoice to |
The customer account to be billed for a contract. The following options are available: Parent account, Customer account, and Specific account. |
Invoicing schedule starts on |
The starting point of the invoicing schedule: Setup date or Activation
date. The contract expiration date is calculated based on this setting. |
Invoicing format |
The format of an invoice that is issued as a result of contract invoicing. The following
options are available:
Invoice description |
In this field, you can specify the formulas for invoice descriptions by using the standard formula editor. For more information about formulas, see: About formulas. |
Line description |
In this field, you can specify the formulas for line descriptions by using the standard formula editor. For more information about formulas, see: About formulas. |

Element | Description |
Case count item |
The non-stock item used for counting cases associated with the
contract based on this template. For details, see: Set up invoicing by the number of cases. |

This tab lists the contract items that will be provided for contracts based on the template.
Contract items are defined in the Contract items (CT201000)
You can use this tab to include new contract items or to modify the quantity
of each contract item to be included by default for a contract based on the contract
Column | Description |
Item code |
The unique alphanumeric identifier of the contract item. |
Description | A read-only field that shows the description of the contract item. |
Quantity |
The quantity of the contract item that is included by default in a contract based on this template. You can modify this quantity within the allowed limits set for the contract item in the Contract items (CT201000) window. If you plan to use the template for creating retainer contracts or contracts that are invoiced on demand and add to the template some recurring contract items, we recommend that you specify a quantity of zero. |
Setup price |
A read-only box that shows the fee of the item to be invoiced on contract setup. |
Recurring price |
A read-only field that shows the fee for the included quantity of the item to be invoiced recurrently. |
Extra usage price |
A read-only field that shows the fee of the item to be invoiced as extra usage of the item. |
Renewal price |
A read-only field that shows the fee of the item to be invoiced on contract renewal. |

The Contracts tab lists contracts that have been created in the Customer contracts (CT301000) window based on the selected template.
system adds a row to this table each time you save a newly defined contract based on
the template.
Column | Description |
Contract ID |
The unique alphanumeric identifier of the contract based on this template. |
Customer | The customer associated with the contract. |
Status | The contract status, which can be Draft, Pending activation, Active, Expired, Cancelled, or Pending upgrade. |
Setup date |
The date of the contract setup. |
Expiration date |
The date when the contract expires. |
Description | The description provided for the contract. |

By using this tab, you can define a list of attributes for the classification of contracts.
The attributes you define here are displayed
on the Attributes tab of the Customer contracts (CT301000) window for each contract based on this template.
A user can not save a new contract if a value for a required attribute is not specified.
Column | Description |
Attribute ID |
The attribute name. |
Description | The description of the attribute. |
Sort order |
A number representing the position of the attribute in the resulting list of attributes. |
Required |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the user must provide a value for the attribute. |
Internal | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the attribute is not available on the Self-service portal. |
Control type |
The type of control (element) used for the attribute. This can be one of the following options: Text, Check box, Combo box, Multi select combo, or Date/time. |
Default value |
The default value for the attribute. |