Visma Net
Payment info from AutoPay (AP50550S)
This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.
In this window, you can view payment details from AutoPay by cash account and upload bank statements.

Button | Description |
Upload status file | Click this button to upload the account summary from the file. |

By using the elements in this area, you can specify criteria for the documents you want to display on the list.
Element | Description |
Cash account |
The cash account for which you want to view available transactions. |
Batch no. |
The reference number of the batch generated for the transaction. |
Select this check box to show handled error messages in the table. |

This table displays all the documents that meet the criteria you have specified in the top part.
Column | Description |
Batch ref. no. |
The unique reference number of the batch of payments. You can select a reference number to view (and act upon) a particular batch. |
Batch status |
The AutoPay status of the batch |
Payment ref. no. |
The reference number of the payment associated with the payment method. |
Cash account |
The cash account used for the payment. |
Cash account description |
The detailed description of the cash account. |
Payee |
The ID of the receiver of the payment. |
Payee name |
The name of the receiver of the payment. |
Payment amount |
The amount of the payment in payment currency. |
Payment currency |
The currency of the payment. |
Payment status |
The payment status for the batch from AutoPay. |
Invoice ref. no. |
The reference number of the purchase document. |
Due date |
The date when payment for the document is due. |
Cash discount date |
The end date of the cash discount period. |
Payment date |
The date of the supplier ledger payment document. |
Payment amount in base currency |
The amount of the payment in the base currency of your company at the valid currency rate for the transaction date. |
Orig. workspace |
The workspace where the batch was generated. |

Column | Description |
Handled |
Select this check box for payments that have been handled. |
Workspace |
The workspace from which the payment originates. |
Batch ref. no. |
The unique reference number of the batch of payments. You can select a reference number to view (and act upon) a particular batch. |
Payment ref. no. |
The reference number of the payment. |
Payment status |
The payment status for the batch from AutoPay. |
Payment amount |
The payment amount in payment currency. |
Payee ID |
The ID of the receiver of the payment. |
The message informing why the payment has been rejected. |