Visma Net
Item price classes (IN209000)
This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma Net, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.
This window displays a list of the item price classes available in the system. You can use the window to add new classes or delete unused (unpopulated) classes.
Item price classes are used to group stock items for base and sales price calculation. A price class may include items of one or more item classes.

This area displays the item price classes defined in the system.
You can add new
price classes and delete any class to which no item has been assigned.
Column | Description |
Price class ID |
The alphanumeric ID of the price class. You can use 10 characters, both numbers and letters. |
Description |
A brief description of the price class. This field supports the multi-language functionality, where you can translate the entered text to multiple languages. For more information, see:About multi-language support |