The Track time registrations report

Using the Track time registrations feature you can track a certain time registration for a selected period, for example hours worked, overtime, used parental leave, holiday or sick leave.

  1. Select Statistics/Reports - Track time registrations.
  2. Specify for which period the time registrations should be tracked next to the From and To fields.
  3. Select the order in which the report should be sorted under Sort order.
  4. If you are the payroll administrator you select which employee the time registrations should be tracked for under Employee. Select All if you want to track the time registrations for all employees.

If you select Show inactive, any employees who no longer use Visma Lön Anställd, but who have made registrations in the service, will be shown.

  1. Choose the type of time registration.
  2. Enter a search word next to the Search by comment field if you want to search for comments from the calendar.
  3. Select Track time registrations.
  4. Click the Print button and select whether you want to print the report from a printer or create a PDF file.