End of holiday year checklist

Once per year you should do the holiday year-end closing. A new holiday year is then created and the employee list will be updated with the new days and holiday values by moving the remaining paid holiday to saved days for the next holiday year. In addition, new paid days of holiday as well as paid and saved holiday pay per day is calculated.

The employees cannot take out any holiday for the new year until the holiday year-end closing has been done.

Regardless of whether you work with a general holiday year (April 1st - March 31st) or a calendar year (January 1st - December 31st), the holiday year-end closing should be done with all the deviations for the previous holiday year have been registered, but it does not matter if the pay run has been submitted or not.

If the pay run for April (for general holiday year/January (for calendar year) has been submitted when you close the holiday year, all holiday values will be updated on the payslip in the submitted pay run at the holiday year-end closing.

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