Importing or exporting chart of accounts

You can update your chart of accounts in an efficient and easy way by using the export and import functionality in Visma Lön Smart. To be able to import the chart of account register to the program, the file must be created as a comma-separated CSV file. You can read more about saving data in CSV format below.

For a successful import of a CSV file to Visma Lön Smart, it is important that each column has the correct header, is in the correct order, uses the correct coding, and has a value in the mandatory fields. The column header represents the fields you find when you create a new account in Visma Lön Smart. Please see the field explanations below for more information about the different fields in the file. An easy way to create a file with the correct headers and format is to export a chart of accounts to use as a template for the import. Read more about how to make an export to create a correctly formatted CSV file below.

Add or change existing accounts

In order to update your chart of accounts register, you export a CSV (Excel) file, update the chart of accounts register and then import the register into the program again. Please note that if a value is unique (for example an account number), the value will not change in the program even if it has changed in the CSV file. The program will instead add a new account when you import the CSV file.

Delete ledger accounts

It is not possible to delete ledger accounts from a register by exporting and importing. Ledger accounts that are deleted from an exported file will be set as inactive when the file is imported into Visma Lön Smart again. Accounts in use will always be active in Visma Lön Smart.

Default values

There are fields that are not mandatory but still have a value by default. If you add rows to a CSV file but do not add values before you import the file into Visma Lön Smart, the program will add the default value for you.