Visma Lön Smart
Checklist for when an employee leaves the company (employee type Complete)
Here we have compiled a checklist with the different steps to be taken when an employee with the employment type Complete leaves the company. If the employee has the employment type Simplified, you can read more in the topic Checklist for when an employee leaves the company employee type Simplified.
- Select Lön Smart - Employees.
- Select the employee from the list and choose the Employment tab.
- Enter the employee's final date of employment in the Employment end date field.
When you have entered a date in the field , a final pay will be automatically paid out. In most cases, the payment is included in the payslip in the ordinary pay run of the month following the employee's departure, allowing for adjustments and payment of any deviations or events related to the final pay. However, if a specific date is selected for the deviation period in the Settings - Payroll settings, Pay and payments tab, it is possible that the final pay will be paid out in the same month the employee leaves the company,
You cannot automatically pay out the final pay by making an extra payment; it can only be done in an ordinary pay run. If you want to pay out the final pay through an extra payment, you need to manually select the shortcut Final pay on the employee's payslip after you have created the pay run.
- Specify why the employee is terminating their employment under End of employment reason.
Do not check the Employment has ended and the final pay has been paid box until you have made the final payment.
For administrative workers, reporting to Fora ends automatically when set an employment end date in the employee list.
For non-administrative workers, you need to end the monthly reporting to Fora.
- Select Lön Smart - Employees.
- Select the employee in the list and select the Reporting tab.
- Select an end date under Connected to Fora.
- Click Spara.
The employee is included in Fora's monthly report two months after you have indicated that the employee should no longer be connected to Fora. This is to ensure that the final pay and other data are correctly reported to Fora.
If a salary administrator ends their employment in the company, must the access rights be removed in Visma Lön Smart and for Mina tjänster.
Do the following:
- Go to
- Select Mina tjänster.
- Change administrator for Mina tjänster. Read more in the topic Change administrator (in Swedish) in the Mina tjänster help texts.
In the holiday pay liability list you can see how many paid, saved and earned days of holiday the employee has. It also shows the company's holiday pay liability to the employee.
Follow these steps to retrieve the holiday pay liability list:
- Select Lön Smart - Reports - Holiday pay liability list.
- Click Generate report.
- Select period under Up until.
- Select the employee in the list under Employee.
- Click Create PDF.
The final pay is paid out on the payslip the month after the employee's departure. This is to be able to adjust and include all the deviations and events in time for the final pay.
- Create a pay run under Lön Smart - Pay runs.
Since the date is entered in the Employment end date field, a final pay will be automatically included in the employee's payslip. Pay codes for earned, paid, and saved days will be added automatically. If the employee has variable parts, holiday allowances, or remaining flextime, it will also be specified automatically.
If the selected date is later than the current holiday period, the final pay will not be paid out automatically. In that case, you need to first perform a holiday year-end closing and then register the final pay by selecting the Final pay shortcut on the payslip. The holiday year-end closing can be done during an ongoing pay run.
The final pay will be paid out for employees who do not have a checkmark in Holiday compensation is automatically paid at the next pay run on the Holiday tab in the employee list.
If you don't want to make the final pay in this pay run, you can select the row for final pay on the payslip and click on Delete in the dialog box that opens. The final pay will then be registered on the next pay run instead.
In the dialog box, you can also change the Employment end date and adjust settings for whether holiday pay and accrued flextime should be paid out in the dialog box. If you haven't selected an Employment end date yet, you can do it here. The date will also be added to the employee list.
- Submit the payslip when you are done with all the registrations.
Send the payment to the bank, post it to ledger, and send the payslips.
This is what happens when the final pay is paid
- The holiday days are reset to zero in the employee list.
- The final pay is specified with different pay codes for both accrued, paid and saved holidays. Holiday allowance and variable parts are also specified.
- You can't change the amount of holiday compensation via shortcuts. If you want to adjust the amount, use pay code 3232 - Holiday pay in advance instead. Enter the amount to be paid/deducted in addition to the calculated compensation.
- If the employee has a debt for advance holiday taken that has not been written off, the holiday debt to be paid is reduced with pay code 9108 - Advance holiday pay liability deduction. Thereafter, the advance holiday is written-off.
- Select Lön Smart - Employees.
- Select the employee from the list and choose the Employment tab.
- Check the Employment has ended and the final pay has been paid box.
For employees using additional services, you should deactivate each service and remove their login. Read more in the topic Deactivate Visma Lön Anställd in Visma Lön Smart for an employee. and
According to GDPR, personal data may be stored for as long as the employer needs the data to follow legal obligations, laws and regulations. Personal data which is handled in the payroll process are viewed as bases which may be needed in cases of audits, disputes and controls in order to prove that the legal requirements have been followed. When personal data is registered and linked to transactions in the payroll process, the employee cannot claim the right to have such personal data linked to payroll transactions removed.
When an employee ends their employment at the company you should however delete any data that is not necessary to store. Below you see our recommendation on what data should be deleted.
Delete or pseudonymise data
In Visma Lön Smart it is not possible to delete the data of an employee for whom you have created payslips.
If you have employees that you cannot delete, but for which you no longer need to store personal data, you can delete the data.Read more under Data to delete as soon as the final salary payment has been made.
If you terminate your Visma Lön Smart subscription, you will not be able to make changes to your company. You will only be able to view the information. In such cases you can pseudonymise the employees' sensitive data. To do this, go to each employee under Employees and click on Pseudonymise employee. Data such as address, email address and bank account number will then be removed.
Data to delete as soon as the final pay has been paid
The information in the following fields under Lön Smart - Employees should be deleted when the final pay has been paid.
- Payment to should be changed to Cash so that the settings under Clearing number and Account number are deleted (on the Pay tab).
- Notes (on the Basic information tab), such as next of kin contact details
Data to delete one year after an employee has ended their employment
Contact and postal information should be saved for a year after an employee has ended their employment at the company. The information in the following fields under Lön SmartLön Smart - Employees and the Basic information tab should then be deleted:
- Address
- Postcode
- City
- Country
- Phone
- Mobile phone
We recommend that you set up a yearly routine to go through and delete data for any employees who have left the company during the previous year.
Please note that some information must be stored for longer, for example details about employees' pension insurances.