How are VAT settings added to accounts in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro?

Integration with Visma eEkonomi

When data is imported directly from Visma eEkonomi to Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro, VAT codes are retrieved for VAT accounts (2600-2649) and sales accounts (3000-3999). The VAT settings used in the VAT check are based on these VAT codes.

We have chosen not to retrieve any VAT codes for the remaining accounts. Instead, their VAT settings are based on their mappings to reference accounts in Chart of accounts. This is because most expense accounts do not have any VAT codes in Visma eEkonomi.

We always strive to implement the VAT settings as correctly as possible, but in cases where the suggested setting is incorrect, it must be changed by the user themselves. Once you have gone through and corrected any incorrect settings, they are saved and copied to the next period. This means that adjustments only need to be applied once.

Importing a SIE-file

All VAT settings are based on the accounts’ mappings to the reference accounts.