Templates for checklists, Checklists

This topic is for you who work with Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as an accounting office.

In the Administration - Templates - Templates for checklists - Checklists tab, all tasks in the selected checklist are displayed, grouped by which part of the program they are used. Here, you enable/disable tasks and also create your own tasks.

Select part of the program, i.e. Annual report and then sub part i.e. Notes. The tasks displayed on the right hand side are the ones displayed when the user are in that particular program part.

Enable or disable tasks

In the template you can adjust which of the tasks that you want to use by disabling the ones that you don’t find useful. You do this by switch the toggle in the Active column.

Create and delete tasks

To create your own tasks for this template, click the +-button in the lower right. Enter the task name and where it should be used (Period closing, Year-end closing or both). The tasks you create by yourself are possible to delete from the template by clicking the - button.

When you have completed your task lists, press Save. When you want to publish and make it available to the subscribed customers, press Publish.

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