Annual general meeting protocol

The annual general meeting must be held within six months after year-end. At the meeting, the annual report and the auditor’s report shall be presented, and decisions shall be made regarding the adoption resolution of the balance sheet and income statement, regarding allocations of the profit or loss, and regarding discharge for the members of the board.

Want to keep track so you don't miss any important deadlines? See the topic What dates are important for the annual report?

On the page Underlag, you add information regarding attendants, elected members of the board, auditor, etc. This information is used to fill out the items. You can see the suggested text on the page Paragrafer and it is possible to edit it, if necessary. If you want to review the minutes and the numbered items, select Preview or generate the report in Report center.

Clear the suggested or added text to remove the entire paragraph.

If you want to review the minutes and the numbered items, select View annual report or generate the report in Report center.

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