Financial statements

The accounting data found in the annual report’s balance sheet and income statement documents, is imported from Year-end closing - Annual report - Financial statements.

How fields work in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro

White fields are for manual input of values. Grey fields contain values generated by the system or taken from elsewhere in the programme.

Values in grey fields can usually be changed by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hover over the field and select Override amount. When an amount has been changed, the field is highlighted in yellow. To restore the value, hold the pointer over the field again, click on the menu icon and select Reset. Click on the image below to view:

Input fields. Here you enter the values yourself:

Calculated fields or fields where values are taken from elsewhere in the program:

A field where the amount has been changed manually:

Overridden amounts only affect the annual report.

If a row has no values at all, it will not be included in the printout. This means that it is possible to hide rows by removing their values. Please note that some values may be mandatory.

You can change the headings in the income statement and balance sheet by hovering over the row and then clicking on the appearing pen icon.

It is possible to edit note references by selecting Note reference in income statement/balance sheet at the bottom of the screen of each note. Start typing in the field to search for the line you wish to select. Click on the plus or the minus sign to add or delete lines.

Click on the Preview button to preview the annual report.

Approve the documents by clicking on the check marks in the column Done in the view to the left. If values have been changed after the approval, the check marks will change colours from green to orange, which means you should review and approve once again.

The documents can be generated and downloaded as PDFs under Annual report in Report center.

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