K12 - Unqualified shares in unlisted companies

In Year-end closing - Basis for tax return - Tax appendices, you will find K12 - Unqualified shares. If you own unqualified shares in an unlisted company, you must submit form K12 if you have received a dividend on your shares. You must also submit this if you have sold shares in the company. Only private individuals (or legal estates) must submit form K12.

Shares are qualified when, among other things, the company's shareholders, or relatives of the partner, have been active in the company to a significant extent. If the shares are not qualified, they are unqualified.

  1. Enter information about your company in the General information tab.
  2. Enter information about the total number of shares and events in the Events tab.

The information will be transferred to the relevant fields in Tax return INK1.

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