K4 - Sale of securities, the Other securities tab

Under K4 - Sale of securities, the Other securities tab, you report the year's sale of other, non-marketable securities. Profit is transferred to INK1 field 7.5 and loss to field 8.4.

Below are examples of different types of securities that are reported in section D:

  • Equity-linked bond (AIO) in SEK - non-marketable
  • Equity basket certificate (KRG) - non-marketable
  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • Fund holdings - non-marketable
  • Index bond - in SEK, , all index except stock indexes - non-marketable
  • Convertible (KV) - in SEK - non-marketable
  • Bond in SEK - non-marketable
  • Option - share/stock index as underlying property - marketable
  • Premium bond (PO)
  • etc.

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