K7 - Sale of commercial property, the Sale/purchase tab

Under K7 - Sale of commercial property, the tab Sale/purchase, you enter information concerning sales and purchases of the property.

The sales price from the purchase contract must be stated here, as well as your sales expenses, such as brokerage fees and advertising costs.

Please note that you must not include any compensation for inventories (fixed or loose) in the profit calculation. Any compensation for inventories is instead reported in business operations.

You must also fill in the purchase price, which must include expenses for legal registration and mortgage deeds. If you received the property as a gift, through inheritance, will or division of property, you must fill in the previous owner's purchase price.

If the property is purchased before 1952, you use the assessed value for 1952 and multiply it by 1.5 before filling in the field Purchase price, land registration cost etc.. If you use this option as a purchase price, select the checkbox 150% of the property tax value year 1952 is used as purchase price, since that information is needed on form K7.

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